Hundreds of reports are available anytime you want them. Below is just a sample of the reports PSA can provide to you. Please note there are many report variations that are not listed here that we would be happy to make available to you. Many of the reports listed can be filtered to show different levels of detail. We provide our monthly reports electronically and they can be easily exported to Excel spreadsheets. If you do not see a report listed, please know we can write custom reports to suit your needs.
Analysis Reporting
Order History Report – This report allows you to track new and or renewal orders over an extended period of time. Especially useful for analyzing year-to-year trends, you could also request this report be run to reflect tracking orders on a weekly level.
Renewal Order Analysis Report – This report allows you to analyze how successful different offers were using the same renewal effort, showing you what percentage of renewing on the effort and the detail of which option each subscriber chose.
Detailed New Order Revenue Report – This report offers a detailed way to analyze a promotional campaign after the majority of the responses are in.
Revenue Report – This report gives you a window into the revenue received, broken down by payment type (check, credit, etc.) AND by the type of transaction (refunds, payment, bounced payment and adjustment).
Detailed Payment Rates Report – This report reflects the data to allow you to analyze how effective each effort in your billing series is, you will also be able to see how many responses were generated based on how many pieces were mailed.
Summary of Renewal Rates Report – This report shows different sources and allows you to check on the renewal rates of each subscription. We can provide this report in a number of different ways to reflect marketing plans, channels, and prior renewal series just to name a few of the options.
Summary of Renewal Revenues Report – This report takes into account different sources of renewals and reflects how much revenue these sources are creating.
Summary of New Orders Report – This report shows the results of a promotional campaign right after the launch. Allowing a Publisher or Circulation Manager a clear view of the results of a new campaign.
Summary of the Payment Rates Report – This report shows different sources and allows you to check on the payment rates of each subscription. We can provide this report in a number of different ways to reflect marketing plans, channels, and prior renewal series to name a few of the options.
Expire and Statistic Reporting
Customer Statistics Report – We can provide reporting reflecting demographics of your customers and prospects. We can have this report reflect the number if customers, subscriptions and copies for each demographic code.
Subscription Statistics Report – This report will provide the detail as to how many specific types of subscriptions are in the database. This report can be filtered and run in a number of different ways.
Summary Expire Report – This report details the number of subscriptions expiring in the coming months; it is also a very useful report to help determine your print run for upcoming issues.
Add and Drop Report by Issue – This report will allow you to analyze the changes in the number of copies served with each issue run. We can include cancel reasons at your request.
Renewal Effort Inventory Report – This report shows the number of renewal notices to be mailed.
Prospect Statistics Report – This report shows the number of prospects (with details by list and date) in your file.
Accounting Reporting
Accounts Receivable Details Report – This report shows receivables for accounts that are overdue.
General Ledger Report – This report shows deferred income, accounts receivable and the current balance for each account.
Deferred Income Report – This report reflects the details of your deferred income we can offer this report with customer-by-customer detail or total value only.
Accounting Detail Report – This report offers the detail, with summaries of each accounting entry since.